Hornby Island
March 6th 2022


While staying on Denman we decided to take a day trip over to the neighbouring island of Hornby. This island is one that I have visited many times over the years but for Emily this was her first visit. I was excited to show her some of my favorite places that I had visited over the years. After pulling off the ferry we made our first stop at Phipps Point to take a look at the incredible sea life that had gathered as a result of the herring spawning around the islands. There were seagulls, bald eagles, ducks, sealions and other birds and animals that we didn’t even recognize. After viewing the wildlife we ventured further inland to the town where we stopped to get coffee before forging onwards. We then left from the centre of town and stopped next in Helliwell Provincial Park. We walked through the forest and along the bluffs soaking in the views around. We then headed back into town and kept driving through the other direction stopping at little Tribune Bay for a quick walk on the beach. While walking along the beach we came across a lovely cat that was looking for a good scratch. He wasn’t totally sure about Cielo but didn’t run away. Cielo wanted to say hello but that cat wasn’t up for that so kept his distance. After our walk we carried along the road until we got to Fords Cove where we got a slice of delicious pizza and a couple ice cream bars and ate them walking along the large rocks that make up the coastline. As we turned around and headed back the way we came we tried making a stop at Middle Mountain Mead. Unfortunately like a lot of gulf island attractions they were closed for the winter but we found out that their products were available at the local Co-Op. As we were in the area trying to get to Middle Mountain Mead we went for a quick hike through the trails on Mount Geoffrey. We didn’t make it to the top but the trees and nature around was great. When we got back into town it was a little before 4pm. We had underestimated how early things close on a small island. We were hoping to pick up a few things from the grocery store but on Sundays it’s only open from 11 to 3. We were also looking for a bite to eat but all of food venues had shuttered for the day. We then decided to wonder down to Big Tribune Bay and watch the sun start to set. Following that we started back for the ferry heading to Denman where our friends had dinner waiting for us bringing our Hornby adventure to a close.


Denman Island


Campbell River, Quadra Island & Cortes Island