The Road Ahead

This valentine’s day mine and Emily’s gifts to each other is a brand-new fifth wheal RV trailer. On Monday the 14th we are taking possession of our RV. From there we have three days to move everything that we are taking with us from our apartment into the RV. On Thursday the 17th we’re heading out on our first adventure. We’ll be taking our entire rig up north to Nanaimo BC to learn how to drive with an extra 30 feet behind our truck. The only challenge will be getting to the driving school without any previous lessons. We are going to be leaving our trailer in Nanaimo for the next few weeks and commuting back and forth between Nanaimo, Victoria and Vancouver to put our affairs in order before we go full time on the road. In Victoria we need to finish packing anything that we’re not brining and either downsize or take it back to Vancouver to put in storage. Up Island in Nanaimo we have several driving lessons booked and a road test.

On February 28th our trip will commence. After spending 3 nights in Nanaimo we’ll be heading further north to Denman Island. We’ll spend a little under a week moochdocking on a family freinds property before heading back down south to officially visit Victoria as part of our trip, this time living in our trailer. After that we’ll be heading to Vancouver to check off the largest city in BC and have family and friends over to visit our new home. By the fourth week of March, we’ll be saying goodbye to BC for a while to start our descent into the states onto our first major destination of Las Vegas.


Fear of Towing a Fifth Wheel


Back on the Trail(er)